The news in StudioTcn or more like a follow up in regard to the last changes: a new graph, which shows your rating history.
On the left menu, in manager section we have new link - Rating history. This new page will show how your rating has changed in the last 7 days. Also, it will show your currently selected band's rating history. To see your another band's rating history, just change currently managing band.
Few notes about this graph. The data for this graph was started collecting on monday, so for a few days it will not show history for the whole week. Another note, that yesterday there was a fix applied to the game, which corrected calculation of ratings for bands. In regard to this, today you may see increased ratings. This will stay, and ratings for idling bands will start to fall, when it's recordings becomes old.
And we have few new fields: "Last rating" and "Highest rating". You can see those on Home, band and manager pages. The "Last rating" shows rating points, which was calculated yesterday, and "Highest rating" shows your best rating.