Band: Small band

Music style
Orchestral - Big Band (4 members)
Band members count
Fully formed
1 095 230
Last rating
1 104 299
Highest rating
1 162 203
141 183
Last position
Highest position
Sales today
108 433
Sales yesterday
126 061
Sales most
206 034
Sales total
254 629 806

Band members

Carla MonahanFemale40y 2m€3 164 p/tDrummer (100)
Delmar KearneyMale46y 3m€3 066 p/tWind (Other) (100)
Lolita LyonsFemale45y 5m€3 091 p/tSaxophone (100)
Norma BrowneFemale42y 1m€3 148 p/tPiano (100)
Veleda OrtizFemale42y 7m€3 387 p/tTraditional Dance (100)


NameStatusRelease datePositionLast positionHighest positionDaysAlbum
It's TonightCharting2025-02-024414
Floating On A Love DreamCharting2025-01-259691312
Stockholm SyndromeArchived2025-01-19-128315
In TroubleArchived2025-01-12-123115
Song 2Archived2024-12-28-110415Small band vol. 128
GloriaArchived2024-12-21-113115Small band vol. 128
Pour Some Sugar On MeArchived2024-12-12-101215Small band vol. 128
You Won't See MeArchived2024-11-30-128217Small band vol. 127
In DreamsArchived2024-11-23-118116Small band vol. 127
LithiumArchived2024-11-17-117115Small band vol. 127
The Wolf And The MoonArchived2024-11-11-134115Small band vol. 127
I Love YouArchived2024-10-25-127113Small band vol. 126
FagetArchived2024-10-16-151115Small band vol. 126
Bad CompanyArchived2024-09-29-113113Small band vol. 125
Pandas in the WildArchived2024-09-22-120214Small band vol. 125
World WideArchived2024-09-10-149115Small band vol. 124
Lazy Line Painter JaneArchived2024-09-04-134215Small band vol. 124
Personality CrisisArchived2024-08-28-121215Small band vol. 124
Street Sprit (Fade Out)Archived2024-08-19-124114Small band vol. 124
A Hard Day’s NightArchived2024-08-12-123113Small band vol. 124


NameStatusRelease dateAlbum songsSingles in albumPositionLast positionHighest positionDays
Small band vol. 128Archived2025-01-0333-23212
Small band vol. 127Archived2024-12-0524-28215
Small band vol. 126Archived2024-11-0242-30114
Small band vol. 125Archived2024-10-1042-29613
Small band vol. 124Archived2024-09-1615-30116
Small band vol. 123Archived2024-08-0624-27315
Small band vol. 122Archived2024-07-0324-33116
Small band vol. 121Archived2024-05-3033-42114
Small band vol. 120Archived2024-04-2824-42112
Small band vol. 119Archived2024-03-2433-32414
Small band vol. 118Archived2024-02-2324-31216
Small band vol. 117Archived2024-01-1742-29114
Small band vol. 116Archived2023-12-2415-30216
Small band vol. 115Archived2023-11-1215-28216
Small band vol. 114Archived2023-09-3024-34115
Small band vol. 113Archived2023-08-2715-30215
Small band vol. 112Archived2023-07-1924-28415
Small band vol. 111Archived2023-06-1442-20212
Small band vol. 110Archived2023-05-2215-13213
Small band vol. 109Archived2023-04-1342-32312