This is the list of most commonly asked questions with answers. If you didn't find your question or answer was not good enough, you can always ask about it in the forum or through contact form, that you can find in the footer menu.
How to create a new band?
Go to Create a new band page, fill out all the necessary information and click Create.
How to hire a new musicians to the band?
Go to Manage your band page. There you will find information what is required for the band to be fully formed. For a faster hiring process, select the free members filter "Unfilled required". This way you will see only those musicians to hire that will fulfill musical skill requirement for your band. On the same page you will be able to fire members from the band.
How to move musicians between your bands?
Go to Manage your band page, you will find band members table. There is a link to move musician to the backstage. The backstage is a place where you can put musicians by temporarily removing them from the band. After you have moved musician to the backstage, change currently selected managing band, and you will be able to move musician from the backstage to a newly selected band.
How to create a new song?
Go to Instruct your band page, you will find Writing instruction type. Select duration for this instruction and click Write.
How to record a song or an album?
Go to Record a single page or Record an album page, you will be able to record a song or an album, respectively. In recording a single you have an option to change song's name. Recording an album will demand a bit more work because you will have to select what singles to include, how many album songs to record, and how to name the album.
How to release a song or an album?
Go to Release page, you will find list of songs and albums that you can release. But keep in mind that this is the last time that you can change the name of a song or an album before it will become a permanent one.
How to improve band's performance?
You have several options. First, and most important step, is to hire better musicians in Manage your band page. This will cost you a bit more money. Another option is to instruct your band to practice in Instruct your band page. If those options are exhausted, you could try to upgrade the studio or buy some items from the shop.
How to get some money?
If you are sort on money, you could try to go to the Bank. There you will be able to borrow some money up to a limit that depends on your manager rating. Other option is to instruct your band to gig in Instruct your band page.
How to start over the game from the beginning?
If you hit the wall and don't know how to progress further in the game, then you could try to go bankrupt in Go bankrupt page. But please read carefully the conditions that you have to satisfy and what outcome will be if you go this route.